- starts with talking about how her perspective towards tech changed as tech changed
- we are eternally attached to technology/online/connected
- pet scans that reflect how people's brains react to technology
- talking about affordances and vulnerability /// and not addiction
affordances = the quality or property of an object that defines its possible uses or makes clear how it can or should be used.
- "waiting to put each other on pause"

1/ we are lonely but afraid of intimacy
~~~~~ the illusion of companionship without the demands of friendship
~~~~~ we can't get enough of each other if we can have each other but at a distance and in amounts that we can control
~~~~~ "we'd rather text than talk"

what are the costs of technology?
1/ allows us distraction from what we care about
~~~~~ too busy communicating to think
~~~~~ too busy communicating to create
~~~~~ too busy communicating with the people who matter

2/ we can communicate when we wish and we can disengage at will
ref chapter: please do not call

we live a life of performance / online manufactured selves
** being anxious about how to disengage from a person during a phone call **
overwhelmed across generations
professional/personal the details change but the dynamics remain the same
we measure our success through contacts reached
we have created a communication system:
~~~~~ that has reduced our time to sit and think uninterrupted
~~~~~ that asks for almost instantaneous responses

Sherry Turkle: Alone Together
- the value of back and forth in conversations is that it expresses respect for the complexity of people, of human emotions, of what we need to say to each other
- lol Winston Churchill reference / fuck that guy
- "I share therefore I am"
- "I want to have a feeling" --> "I need to send a text"
- contact lists have become spare parts to support the self
- reduction of people into tools of validation
- inner directed selves to other directed selves
- in this constant online way of living, what is not being cultivated is the ability to be alone and to gather oneself
- the metaphor of addiction:
~~~~~ the little notification says you are wanted
~~~~~ we can ill afford this metaphor
~~~~~ it subverts our best thinking because it demands ONE solution = to get rid of it / the solution that we are not going to take
~~~~~ this makes us feel hopeless and passive
~~~~~ we are not passive victims of a bad substance
~~~~~ in our use of technology we have incurred some costs that we don't want to pay
~~~~~ we are in trouble not because of invention, but because we sometimes allow ourselves to think invention will solve everything
~~~~~ we will not find 1 solution or a simple answer
~~~~~ moving forward, repair

- our moment of opportunity
~~~~~ does it serve our human purposes? what are these purposes?
** just because we grew up with the internet, we assume that the internet is all grown up **

1/ empirical evidence on the increase of multitasking as impacted by technology
- dopamine rush from each task added / as the performance declines

2/ does the premise undermine a kind of look back to an imagined past that was better?
- what grounds her is a notion of presence and attention to each other

3/ global view on this topic
- her study is a study of the US
- other cultures have different ways of thinking about the norm
- sociable robots scare her

4/ "what about the arab spring" question (what are some positives of technology)
- thumbs up to bringing down dictatorships x thumbs down to texting at funerals
- organising politically socially personally 10/10
- we should be able to take the good and still say that there's some of it we don't want (ie privacy)

5/ reaction to steve job's death
- shows the impact of how technology has truly touched people
- he was saying lets design something gorgeous and make it something people want to have on their bodies
- "we are living his imagination"

wip: Non Residential Kin
02/23 - ?
thinking/reading/listening to others bits:
listening to the Staying with the Trouble audiobook with the Utopia soundtrack in the background
15/10 experience, much recommended
